Sunchoke Soup

Prep Time 20 minutes | Cook Time 45 minutes | Serves 4


2 tbsp butter

1 leek, white part thinly sliced

1 Idaho potato, peeled and medium cubed

12 oz sunchokes, washed and partially peeled

3 cloves of garlic, peeled and smashed

2 sprigs thyme

1 quart vegetable or chicken stock

1/4-1/2 cup Heavy cream

Salt, to tas

Sunchoke chips and/or toasted bread croutons to garnishte


In butter over medium high heat, sauté leeks until translucent.

Add diced potato, sunchokes, garlic and thyme and stir to combine.

Add in stock and bring to a simmer.

Simmer for approximately 15-20 minutes or until the sunchokes and potatoes are tender when pierced with a knife.  

Pull out thyme sprigs.   

With an immersion blender, blend mixture until smooth.

Add cream and to desired consistency and flavor. Season with salt.

Serve with sunchoke chips or bread croutons. 
